Townhouse Community
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Size: 230 units
Budget: $9.2M (Ksh 1.05Bn)
Year: 2019-Present
Scope: Masterplan & Design
Status: Ongoing
Partners: Arup & Gamma Delta EA

Our ongoing design work with HOME focuses on sustainable community-centred housing. Our completed master plan is based on two townhouse typologies, two patio house typologies, a mixed housing block of apartments, and units for amenities.

The project to date has been guided by design principles such as adaptability to different sites, modularity, passive ventilation and seismic design to design safer and more resilient communities.

The project focuses on addressing carbon mitigation through the reduction in associated emissions during the design and build stage. To achieve HOME’s carbon neutral goals, we aim to minimise the use of concrete and instead consider the use of unconfined masonry and Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEB’s).